-----Phase 5-----
This is a strange tent, sitting in the middle of this pizza. It looks more like a big candy, huh. The structure of the tent itself appears to be made out of black licorice, while the cloth part is made out of fondant.
Inside, it looks like there's enough tables to accommodate for every character! The tables themselves appear to be made out of some sort of coloured chocolate, while the floor and walls are made out of gingerbread.
It looks like there's a box of cigarettes here. Strange. You feel like they can make you look cooler as you cook, perhaps a bonus to your next roll? But... a weird feeling of dread might come with it. One cigarette has been taken out.
There's a sign here smeared in tomato sauce! It reads, "BEST HUMAN MEAT FOOD WINS FLIPCUP'S HEART".
There’s a gigantic refrigerator here. Inside is just about every single dairy product you can imagine: milk, butter, cheese, cream…and next to it is a large spice cabinet with the widest assortment of spices you’ve ever seen.
Wait a second... This is the
Great British Bake-Off's tent! They're right here! You better be ready to put on the best cooking of your dang life.
From here, you can go to anywhere on the map! It's the centre of the pizza after all. You can go to CANDYLAND, BREADLAND, MEATLAND, VEGGIELAND, and... There's a stray can of soup, nearby, sitting in
more soup. It looks like you can
!moveinstant to the SOUP!